Rules for uploading photos, videos and other graphic content

I. Photos

In order for the uploaded photo to appear in the profile, it must meet the following technical requirements:

  • photo format: jpeg, gif, png, bmp,
  • size between 1kB and 10MB.

  1. The user must have a current photo in the profile that allows for their unambiguous identification, i.e. a photo with a visible face, where they are alone. Only then can they upload other photos.
  2. The user is allowed to upload photos they are the author of, graphics (e.g. demotivators), if, apart from them, they have a photo that allows for their unambiguous identification.
  3. The user is not allowed to post any kind of pornographic content (pornography in works of art is also not allowed).
  4. The user is not allowed to post content that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Polish law (e.g. photos of drugs, medicine, racist symbols and totalitarian regimes).
  5. The user is not allowed to post photos/graphics with vulgar or offensive text (e.g. offending someone's dignity).
  6. The user is not allowed to post photos that show third parties (e.g. their boyfriend, friends) without their prior consent.
  7. The user is not allowed to create the so-called fake profiles (with photos of famous people, e.g. politicians, artists, models, actors)
  8. The user is not allowed to upload photos that have been stolen from profiles of other Fotka users or profiles of other people from related websites.
  9. The user is allowed to upload photos that have undergone graphic processing/graphic modification, as long as their scale allows for the recognition of the user or if there is another photo in the profile that allows for their identification.
  10. The user is not allowed to post advertisement photos of goods, services, websites and erotic advertisements.
  11. The user is not allowed to upload screenshots of: somebody else's account and private conversations with Users/authorized persons.
  12. If there is no photo with a recognizable face in the profile, all content of the user may be deleted.

The following are not considered pornographic photos:

  • photos in clothes, non-transparent underwear or bikini,
  • in shorts, skirts (provided that no private body parts are visible).

Non-compliance with the rules will result in:

  • deleting a photo
  • a temporary ban on uploading photos (the duration of the ban depends on the type of offense)
  • permanent blocking of the account (in the case of repeated or gross violation of the regulations)

The Website also reserves the right to change the order of the User's photos by Moderators in a situation where the first photo does not show the User's face.
If the Moderator has doubts about the authenticity of the photos, they have the right to delete them and impose an applicable restriction. As the next step they ask the User to send a verification photo (a photo with a recognizable face, while holding a piece of paper in their hand with a login and current date written on it; an additional requirement may be imposed, e.g. a webpage of visible on a mobile device in the photo background). The photos will be used only in the described procedure, and a note will be taken on the profile so that the photos from the profile are not deleted again.

Verification of the authenticity of content posted in the profile (via a private message) is made only by authorized persons: Fotka Friends – with a gray Fotka logo placed next to the login in the profile or persons from HelpDesk/Contact*,
- the confirmation of the photos credibility is made by the FF, who sends a request for verification, or by another Fotka Friend, or via the contact form

II. Videos

Videos – audiovisual materials of the User who has the right to upload them. In order for the uploaded video to appear in the profile, it must meet the following technical requirements:

  • formats: mp4, avi, mpg, flv,
  • minimum file size: 1kB,

Videos are shortened to 30 seconds.

  1. you can have content that you are the author of in your profile,

  2. as long as the first photo or video shows a recognizable face, you are allowed to:
    • upload videos that you are the author of,
    • upload graphically processed videos.
  3. you are not allowed to upload the following videos:

    • pornographic,
    • from other users' profiles,
    • stolen or copied directly from other websites,
    • containing advertisements,
    • you are not allowed to upload recordings from third party's broadcasts that took place on the webcams and other related websites,
    • you are not allowed to upload recordings with offensive or vulgar content,
    • videos showing all kinds of private conversations are inadvisable.

III. Avatars

Avatar – a photo or video in the profile thumbnail – placed above the login and personal information, representing the profile in comments to photos/videos, in the previewer, notifications, votes cast, in chat, broadcast chat and forum.

Any photo/video can be an avatar, as long as it meets the rules stipulating the upload of a photo or video.

IV. Website moderators responsible for photos:

  1. Fotka Friends:  
  2. Global Moderators in the user materials section

Materials/content that breach the regulations can be reported via the “report violation” option available on each profile, by writing to Contact or to FF.

V. Other

The provisions of this document do not prejudice the Users' rights provided for in Art. 14 and 15 of the Regulations.

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