Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, gdyby ktoś mógł mi sprawdzić błędy.
Polecenie: Wyjechałeś z rodzicami do Wielkiej Brytanii. Piszesz wiadomość do przyszłego pracodawcy, w której musisz zawrzeć stanowisko na jakim chcesz pracować, fakt iż przeprowadziłeś się z rodziną do Wielkiej Brytanii, stanowiska jakie obejmowałeś w przeszłości (czego Cię nauczyły, co sprawdziły?).
My name is XYZ and I am looking for full-time job like a shop assistant or sales person. Few weeks ago I finished my college in Poland and after that I had a matura exam. Now I removal with my family to UK and I want to stay there for many years.
I have been working as a self-employed personal photographer. Because of that I have qualification to work with people and I cope with stress. Two years ago I was working for two months in ,,Express Linen Services” in London. I was working with people who can speak only in English Language. Communication with them do not make a problem for me, because I learn English since eleven years. Unfortunately I must back to Poland, because I continued my education in college. People whoes know me said, that I am a lively, friendly, helpful and talkative person.
I hope, that my proposition interested you and if you will ever looking for new employee you can contact with me.
Yours Faithfuly,
lista tematów
Angielski - sprawdzenie błędów
looking for a full time job.
A few weeks ago, I graduated from a college in Poland and after that I had a matura exam.
Now, I have moved to the UK along with my family and Im planning on staying here for a longer period of time.
I have the qualifications required and my experience taught me how to efficiently work with people and cope with stress.
A couple of years ago, I spent two months working for a company called "Express Linen Services" in London.
Konto usunięte: Communication with them do not make a problem for me, because I learn English since eleven years.
Communicating in English is not a problem for me. I have been learning English since I was eleven years old.
Nie rozumiem, dopiero pisałeś że masz zamiar zostać w UK i że skończyłeś w Polsce studia?
Konto usunięte: People whoes know me said, that I am a lively, friendly, helpful and talkative kind of person.
People who know me usually say that I am a lively, friendly, helpful, and a talkative person.
Konto usunięte: I hope, that my proposition interested you and if you will ever looking for new employee you can contact with me.
I hope that my application will meet your requirements. Please feel free to contact me anytime. [lepiej brzmi]
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