  12 maja 2009 (pierwszy post)

użyłem tu passive voice dobrze, bo nie wiem :|

In 1876 alexander graham bell based on discover antonio meucci patent to telephone. He intended it to be used for contact with some people staid in diffrent places. this discovered item is transfered electronic signal in cable to voice in terminal receiver. Two year later, the first telephonist line was built in england. Nowaday the mobilphone was discovered by up to date explorers. This object help us in communicate with people who are living on the world.


  12 maja 2009
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: He intended it to be used for contact with some people staid in diffrent places.

Dobrze :tak:

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: Two year later, the first telephonist line was built in england.

years* England wielką literą.
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