?About a Boy? is a comedy film .
Directors a film are Chris and Paul Weitz
Main actors are : Hugh Grant, Toni Collette , Nicholas Hoult
Hug Grand , main characters in film ? About a Boy? Include a roles 36 year old men , Will Freeman . Will haven?t to work. . He have a careful life . However him life begin it complicate when he learns Marcus.
The film pleased me because it was a very good comedy , which entertains for tears, as well as it gives for reflection.
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bez tego "film."
Chris and Paul Weitz are directors of this film.
po co powtarzasz?
chodzi o to, że gra 36letniego mężczyznę ?
haven't work lub he is unemployed person.
chyba begin complicate.
the film appealed to me (film mi się spodobał)
wydaje mi się, że jak piszesz swoje przemyślenia w czasie przeszłym to i zdarzenia w filmie też powinny być opisywane w takim czasie