Hej. Mam napisać prace na angielski parę slow o sobie. Sprawdzilibyście mi czy nie zrobiłam jakiś błędów?? z góry dzięki:):)
My name is Klaudia. I'm seventeen years old. I live in Grębociny, but I work and study in Bełchatów. I live in house with my parents and sister. I like reading books, going to the cinema and meeting with my friends. Sometimes I play tennis, surf the Internet or go for a walk in the evening. During my free time I sometimes take a walk with my dog. I love music so I go to concerts.
I collect postcards. I travel a lot and in every city I'm I buy one postcard. If the pictures of a city are relly nice, I buy two of every postcard for changing. When I came home I change doubled cards for other with my friends. My collection is getting bigger and bigger. All my family know about my hobby so if go somewhere they buy a postcard for me. When I started collecting postcards I had already a number of them. I got about 300 postcards from my grandma. She used to travel a lot. In fact she encouraged me to collect the pictures of cities.
I love animals. Dogs are very friendly and don't suffer when live with people. I have dog myself. She is called Tina. She is huge, black, pedigree sheepdog. She has her own kennel.She is good dog. I wouldn't change her for any dog in the world.
lista tematów
I live in a house
During my free time sometimes i take a walk with my dog.
Ja bym napisala:
I also love music, so im going to the concerts.
are really nice
Then when i'll come back home i can change doubled cards for the other ones with my friends.
so if they are going somewhere they'll buy a postcard for me.
Moze raczej:
I started collecting postcards because i had some of them.
i've got
of the cities.
nie wiem, moze sie myle, ale chyba gdy opisuje sie zwierzeta i rzeczy nie uzywa sie she/he... zreszta nie jestem tego pewna.
to chyba tyle.
a tak przy okazji - staraj sie budowac wiecej zdan zlozonych...
I like read books, go to the cinema and meet
tak jest poprawnie
powinno być I take my dog for a walk
I buy one postcard
powinno być it, a nie she
Aby osiągnąć szczęście, trzeba spełnić trzy warunki: być imbecylem, być egoistą i cieszyć się dobrym zdrowiem. Jeśli jednak nie spełnicie pierwszego warunku, wszystko jest stracone.
Gustaw Flaubert