  29 listopada 2008 (pierwszy post)

Tymi słowami Jolie potwierdziła krążące od niedawna plotki. Już wcześniej mówiło się, że gwiazda woli poświęcić się wychowywaniu dzieci oraz działalności charytatywnej. Jolie coraz gorzej znosiła też ataki fotoreporterów na jej rodzinę.

Jak to bedzie po angielsku brzmiało. Prosze o pomoc

  29 listopada 2008

With these words, Jolie confirmed the rumors circulating recently. You already said that, the star will be paid to educating children and charitable activities. Jolie also endured the worst ever attack on its family of photographers.

To dobre przetłumaczeie tamtego tekstu?

POmożcie mi! prosze was

  29 listopada 2008

With these words, Jolie confirmed the rumors circulating recently. You already said that, the star will be paid to educating children and charitable activities. Jolie also endured the worst ever attack on its family of photographers. ja bym to tak napiasala ale pewnosci nie mam

Posty: 5505 (po ~204 znaków)
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  30 listopada 2008
Dorqa: the star will be paid to educating children

for educating / to educate
Dorqa: charitable activities

charity-related activities
Dorqa: Jolie also endured the worst ever attack on its family of photographers.

Moreover, Jolie became to endure the photographers' attacks on her family progressively worse.
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