Witam .
sprawdzi mi ktos kilka zdań? i jeśli można to także poprawić
i proszę sie nie smiać z błędów jakie popełnilam, w koncu jeszcze sie uczę, tak?
Are friends more important than family for most young people?
-It seem to me the friends is more important for most young people. Everybody knows that young pepole spend a lot of time with friends, so parents is not important.
Is it a waste of time and money to be fashionable?
-In my opinion be fashionable is not waste of time and money. The think is people pay special attention to clothes other.
Do people's tastes in music have the most influence on how they look and behave?
-In my opinion people's tastes have the most influence on how they look and behave. Look at a goth, they listen a heavy metal or gothic metal and they wear black clothes. They are gloomy, silent.
Is it useful to make generalisations about young people?
-In my opinion make generalisations about young people is not useful. Everybody knows that each teenager is different, so that generalisation does not dedicate true about teenager.
Ps. zaznaczam że są to zdania gdzie mam dać swoja opinię i ją potwierdzic jakims przykładem
-It seem to me THAT the friends ARE more important for most OF young people. Everybody knows that young PEOPLE spendS a lot of time with friends , so parents ARE not (ja bym tu dal jeszcze SO bo z tego wynika ze w ogóle nie sa wazni) important.
Is it a waste of time and money to be fashionable?
-In my opinion beING fashionable is not A waste of time and money. The thinG is THAT people pay special attention to OTHER'S CLOTHERS.
Do people's tastes in music have the most influence on how they look and behave?
-In my opinion people's tastes have the most influence on how they look and behave. Look at a goth, they listen TO a heavy metal or gothic metal and they wear black (mozesz jeszcze dodac "leather") clotheRs. They are gloomy, silent.
Is it useful to make generalisations about young people?
-In my opinion make generalisations about young people is not useful. Everybody knows that each teenager is different, so that generalisation does not dedicate true about teenager.
(to jest chyba dobrze)
staralem sie jak moglem - jesli sie myle poprawcie ^^ nie obraze sie
w koncu tez sie ucze nie?=]
it seemS :)
A tak poza to nie używaj caly czas In my opinion, bo na jakimkolwiek egzaminie jeśli tak napiszesz, to egzaminator uzna, że masz ubogi język :) Używaj też prostych jak I think that, as far as I know itp :)