  11 kwietnia 2018 (pierwszy post) - zacznijmy składanką.

0:00 Gas Gas Gas - Manuel
4:28 Running in the 90's - Max Coveri
7:54 Night of Fire - Niko
12:46 Heavensent (SEB version) - Ace
15:51 Don't Stop the Music - Lou Grant
19:06 Chemical Love - Kevin & Cherry
22:39 Heartbeat - Nathalie
26:11 Dancing - Vicky Vale
29:14 Save Me - Leslie Parrish
33:06 When The Sun Goes Down - Ken Blast
37:07 Crazy on Emotion - Ace
40:34 Sunlight - Kaioh
44:25 Rider of The Sky - Ace
47:55 Never Say Never - Manuel
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