i'm frm algeria and when i talk with anyone frm polish they speak just with his or her language native !!
thank you
lista tematów
why all polish does'nt knw en strona 2 z 2
Konto usunięte: kamin: khalili: they speak just with his or her language native !!
this is a Catholic country. Do not expect English speaking girls or nice, understanding people of any kind. Welcome to (W)olandNie bądź taki mądry pajacu. Klęknij przed nim na kolanka kmiocie i pochyl głowę.
A tak na marginesie.. Typ mieszka w Polsce TO NIECH SIĘ POLSKIEGO UCZY, a nie wyrzuty Polakom robi z tego powodu, że po Polsku rozmawiają.
thank you kamin ur good mn
xxxczarny : ur very very bad and rasist why all poland working in germany and we never say something bad to them ! always we cominucate with them very well ....
Jestem rasistą wymagając od ciebie nauki języka Polskiego?! I mówiąc ci, żebyś spieprzał na drzewo ze swoimi zarzutami?
Błagam cię....
A tak na marginesie:
A od kiedy semici są innej rasy niż biała?
Jeśli chciałbyś mi ubliżyć to mógłbyś powiedzieć, że jestem antysemitą (co nie jest prawdąf), więc BŁAGAM CIĘ, ZAMILCZ NA MÓJ TEMAT, bo g***o wiesz a trzeszczysz.
Just try better... Many people in Poland speak english. Older people speak russian or german. Some use only Polish language.
Thats the same in all other countries... If you will go to germany then you will easyly find people who don't speak any other language then german. Why? Who knows... Why not? Does everyone in your country speak english?
Some people learn english but they just don't use this language in there live so they may not be able to talk to you. I was learning german and I understand much but I'm not albe to speak this language. Today we have guests from germany in my company so I spoke to them in english and then they understand a bit. Most informations was translated by other guests who speak german. If you realy want to talk to anyone then language is not a barier.
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moja wiara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLgacbYRQ_I
mój dekalog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITsL91vlIcM