  8 stycznia 2012 (pierwszy post)

Tak jak wspomniałem, proszę o jakieś spostrzeżenia jesli takowe występują w tekscie. W 95% napisane przez siebie.
" My mother is fourty six years old, and her name it Agata.
She has got blond hair, is low. My dad is fourty nine years old, and his name it Darek is also low. He has got black hair and brown eyes. I have brother. He has five years old and goes to kindergarten . He has dark blonde hair . And two sisters. One of them has twenty three years old and her name it Eliza and has two children. She has got dark hair. The other has five years old and her name is Emilia. This is my close family"


Posty: 721 (po ~143 znaków)
Reputacja: -12 | BluzgometrTM: 34572
  8 stycznia 2012
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: " My mother is fourty six years old, and her name is Agata. (Drugie zdanie jest napisane w stylu kali jesc kali pic) She has got short, blond hair. My dad is fourty nine years old, and his name is Darek is also low. jest nubem? xD Wykasuj te is also low He has got black hair and brown eyes. I have brother.

Dalej mi sie nie chce ale ty to chyba miales niemiecki cale zycie.
Poza translatorem nie widze tu raczej ludzkiej interwencji.
Do not be sad because of people...

They will all die...
  8 stycznia 2012
Belormoroth: Dalej mi sie nie chce ale ty to chyba miales niemiecki cale zycie. Poza translatorem nie widze tu raczej ludzkiej interwencji.

Francuski, niemiecki i odrobine angielskiego :P
  8 stycznia 2012
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: " My mother is fourty six years old, and her name it Agata. She has got blond hair, is low. My dad is fourty nine years old, and his name it Darek is also low. He has got black hair and brown eyes. I have brother. He has five years old and goes to kindergarten . He has dark blonde hair . And two sisters. One of them has twenty three years old and her name it Eliza and has two children. She has got dark hair. The other has five years old and her name is Emilia. This is my close family"

My mother's name is Agata, she is forty six years old. She's short and has blond hair. My dad's name is Darek, he's forty nine and short as well. His hair is black and eyes brown. I have a five year old brother who still attends a kindergarten, his hair is dark blond. I also have two sisters. One of them, Eliza, is twenty three and has two children. Her hair is dark. The other one, Emilia, is only five years old. This is my closest family.
  8 stycznia 2012
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Thanks (:
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