Sprawdźcie i jak coś to poprawdźcie ;)
Z góry thx.
I was born in Ostrołęka in 1994. I grew up in Dąbrowy and still live here. For one year I went to the local kindergarten, six years of primary school, and this year I finish high school.
My earliest childhood memory is doing photography. I was then about three years old. That day came to us from Malbork family and decided to take a picture where I did a very funny face. I aslo remember my first day at primary school. My teacher's name was Mrs. Kaczmarczyk, and she teach my for three years.
This year I finish middle school and go to high school, and when I finish them I will go to college. I think I have changed since the days when I was a child. Above all grown up, and my character is also changed for the better. Before I?m old I want to explore the world.
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Anglik (sprawdźcie)
Chodziło o gimnazjum? junior high school
Doing a photography is one of my earliest memory from childhood.
Może tak .
Konto usunięte: That day came to us from Malbork family and decided to take a picture where I did a very funny face.
That day my family from Malbork came to us and decided to take a picture when I was doing some funny faces.
znowu chodziło o gimnazjum? junior high school
finish it
Bo pójdziesz na studia, jak skończysz liceum, więc tylko jedną szkołę; nie ma potrzeby wspominania jeszcze o gimnazjum.
Nie bardzo. Bo po gimnazjum nie idzie się na studia ;).
one of my earliest memoRIES.
srutu-tutu. wg. dokumentów na oficjalnej stronie CKE, to - o zgrozo - "gymnasium"
faktem jednak jest, że natywnemu to nic nie powie, i skojarzy się bardziej ze starożytną Grecją i ichnimi "gimnazjonami", aniżeli czymkolwiek innym. można to tłumaczyć jako "lower secondary school", "secondary school", "junior school", "junior high school" jak proponujesz,"middle school", możliwości jest masa
Ale co?
"I will, after having finished my secondary education, progress further onto a degree course on a university"
albo coś w ten deseń