Uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie i może o ewentualne poprawienie (błagam!) fragmentu mojego maila. Mam problemy z gramatyką, proszę powiedzcie czy konstrukcja zdań jest w porządku i czasy i no.. sami wiecie :)
BARDZO dziękuję tym którzy pofatygują się i choć trochę mi pomogą.
I am writing to notify you about arrival guests to my house. It would be a lot of my friends. I would like invite you to join us. It would be great to spent time together. Don?t worry that you don?t know anybody. I will introduce you all of them. We are planning to go to the cinema and then go home, call for a pizza, turn on the music and have a party!
lista tematów
angielski mail
It will be a lot of my friends.
I think it's a great idea to spend time together.
Konto usunięte: We are planning to go to the cinema and then go home, call for a pizza, turn on the music and have a party!
We are going to go to the cinema after come back home and call for pizza.
Of course music will be on full.
to ostatnie zdanie powinno być podzielone- taka moja sugestia. chyba, że masz limit słów