  28 kwietnia 2009 (pierwszy post)

Hej:) Mam prośbe... czy ktoś mógłby mi to sprawdzić... to takie niby "wypracowanie" o tym co robić zeby chronić środowisko:P Moze być dużo błędów dlatego daje tutaj do sprawdzenia:P:P:P

I'd like to talk about how we can help preserve our eniviroment. So here's a list of things we can all do.
First, we should protect the air before pollutions. Pollutions are harmful for whole nature, especially forest ecosystems. In order to prevent pollutions we should close old, polluting factories, change cars for a new ones and use cars with catalyzers.
Secondly, we sholud reduce deforestation, because is the biggest threat for animals and plants. We sholud find a way to recultivate those land. We can plant new trees.
Third, we should prevent water pollutions. The main river pollutions are sewanges and industrial wastes. Water pollutions induce a lot of diseases and death a living spieces. Therefore we should build more sewage treatment plants to keep our rivers clean. Save the water. We sholud not dumpunprocessed wastes directly to the rivers.
To sum up in order up protect the environment we should reduce the emission greenhouse gases, plants new trees and supports the actions of ecologists.

Z góry Dzieki:):bye:

  28 kwietnia 2009

I'd like to talk about how we can help preserve our eniviroment. So here's a list of things we can all do.
First, we should protect the air before pollutions. Pollutions are harmful for whole nature, especially forest ecosystems. In order to prevent pollutions we should close old, polluting factories, change cars for a new ones and use cars with catalyzers.
Secondly, we sholud reduce deforestation, because is the biggest threat for animals and plants. We sholud find a way to recultivate those land. We can plant new trees.
Third, we should prevent water pollutions. The main river pollutions are sewanges and industrial wastes. Water pollutions induce a lot of diseases and death a living spieces. Therefore we should build more sewage treatment plants to keep our rivers clean. Save the water. We sholud not dumpunprocessed wastes directly to the rivers.
To sum up in order up protect the environment we should reduce the emission greenhouse gases, plants new trees and supports the actions of ecologists.

environment sądzę, że to literówka.
should tu popraw ;)
sewages tez literówka ;)

stylistyki zdań Ci nie poprawie bo ne jestem pewna, ale sądzę zę chyba nie jest źle.

  28 kwietnia 2009

wg mnie niewidzialem większych błedów ale zastąpiłbym pare innymi bo one maja troszke inne znaczenie

Posty: 13 (po ~362 znaków)
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  28 kwietnia 2009
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: how we can help preserve our eniviroment

może lepiej napisać how we can help to save our environment

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: So here's a list of things we can all do

everyone can do.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: we should protect the air before pollutions

form pollution

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: Pollutions are harmful for whole nature , especially forest ecosystems

Pollution is harmful for the whole nature, especially for the forest ecosystems

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: change cars for a new ones

for new ones

Sorry nie mam czasu żeby dalej pisać ale tak ja bym to zmieniła jak do tej chwili!

I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just... I could have got more.

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