  16 lutego 2009 (pierwszy post)

Hej! Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie dziesięciu zdań w czasach Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple/Continuous, Present Perfect Simple/Continuous, Past Perfect Simple/Continuous.
1. Look at that boy! He is dirty all over his face, I think he eats(?) chocolate. I wonder how much he ate(?).
2. Mark is hopelessly in love with Ann, If he didn't be(?) so much in love, he don't buy(?) her flowers every day.
3. She always bites (?) her nails, I can't stand this habit of hers.
4. Dr Racula, who disappeared last month, did (?) a few controversial experiments.
5. They were afraid of are jumping (?) off the high wall.
6. I was falling (?) asleep when somebody breaks (?) the glass in our front door.
7. Look! It's Francis! I hadn't saw (?) him for ages.
8. If you peels (?) the potatoes, I chop (?) the carrots.
9. Jim ought will learn (?) languages if he wants (?) to get a job with an international company.
i 10 pasuje mi w formie przyszłej, ale takiej użyć nie można: As soon as I will finish (?) what I do (?), I will be going (?) to bed.
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc! :)

  16 lutego 2009
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: If he didn't be(?) so much in love, he don't buy(?) her flowers every day.

If he wasn't so much in love with her, he wouldn't buy her flowers every day.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: They were afraid of are jumping (?) off the high wall.

They were afraid of jumping off the high wall.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: 6. I was falling (?) asleep when somebody breaks (?) the glass in our front door.

I was falling asleep when somebody broke the glass in our front door.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: I hadn't saw (?) him for ages.

I haven't seen him for ages.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: If you peels (?) the potatoes, I chop (?) the carrots.

I you peel the potatoes, I chop the carrots.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: 9. Jim ought

nie wiem co to 'ought' tu mialo znaczyc ,bo nie brzmi sensownie w tym zdaniu.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: I will be going (?) to bed.

I will go to bed.

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: what I do

what do I do?

Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: As soon as I will finish

as soon as I finish.
  16 lutego 2009


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