Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  8 grudnia 2008 (pierwszy post)

Dobry wieczór :)
piszę wypracowanie na ang. na min. 200 słów. jestem zmęczona po ciężkim dniu (;p), a wypracowanie jest na jutro... pomoże mi ktoś?
bd wdzieczna XD
(pewnie jest w tym mnóstwo blędów?):

Where would you prefer to live: in the centre/in the suburbs/countryside...?Why?

I'd like to live in the suburbs of a big city, because i think pollution is low there in contrast in the centre.
Besides, there isn't noisy and dirty. What is more, people are nicer and neighbours are more helpful, than in downtown.
disandvantage is that in the centre you can get more groceries or other stuff, in the surbubs you can get basal things.
but it isn't problem for me to go shopping in the centre.
if i lived in the downtown i wouldn't have be oble to organise BBQ or some garden parties, because there is no green space.

  8 grudnia 2008

za bardzo sie nie znam na ang ;DD

Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  8 grudnia 2008
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: o dżizas.

no jak nie ? :mrgreen:
Posty: 86 (po ~89 znaków)
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  8 grudnia 2008
MistressOfLaugh: I'd like to live in the suburbs of a big city, because i think pollution is low there in contrast in the centre. Besides, there isn't noisy and dirty. What is more, people are nicer and neighbours are more helpful, than in downtown. disandvantage is that in the centre you can get more groceries or other stuff, in the surbubs you can get basal things. but it isn't problem for me to go shopping in the centre. if i lived in the downtown i wouldn't have be oble to organise BBQ or some garden parties, because there is no green space.

i like to life in suburbs of big city, because nobody wants to live there, so population is low then if you would live in the center of the city.besides, there are not noisy and dirty.People are nice and very helpfull than in downtown.One of the disadventages is that in the center are more groceries stores and other important places to buy food, but in surbubs their are just couple glocery stores.i can go shoping in the center it's not problem for me.If i wgere lived in downtown i would not have to be able organise BBQ orsome garden partiers,because is no green space.

Może być? niewiem czy na 100% dobrze napisałam
  9 grudnia 2008
MistressOfLaugh: pomoże mi ktoś?

w czym problem ?
  9 grudnia 2008
MistressOfLaugh: I'd like to live in the suburbs of a big city, because i think pollution is low there in contrast in the centre.

I'd like to live in the suburbs of a big city because the population is lower there than in the city centre.

MistressOfLaugh: What is more, people are nicer and neighbours are more helpful, than in downtown.

People there are nicer and neighbours are more helpful than in the downtown.

MistressOfLaugh: disandvantage is that in the centre you can get more groceries or other stuff, in the surbubs you can get basal things.

The disandvantage of this place is that you can get there only basic stuff,

MistressOfLaugh: but it isn't problem for me to go shopping in the centre.
  9 grudnia 2008

kurcze, wcisnelam przez przypadek 'dodaj posta' :D

MistressOfLaugh: but it isn't problem for me to go shopping in the centre.

but it wouldn't be a big problem for me to go to the centre of the city for shopping.

MistressOfLaugh: if i lived in the downtown i wouldn't have be oble to organise BBQ or some garden parties, because there is no green space.

If i would live in the downtown i couldn't organise the BBQ or garden parties, because there is no green space.

Powinno byc ok.Aha,

MistressOfLaugh: Besides, there isn't noisy and dirty.

to jest ok.
Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008

dzięki :D
co mogłabym jeszcze napisać? ;>

Posty: 1458 (po ~105 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: population

jej chodziło o zanieczyszczenie.

MistressOfLaugh: because i think pollution is low there in contrast in the centre.

because i think city centre is more polluted than suburbs.
Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008

chyba nie dojdę do tych 200 słów ;p

  9 grudnia 2008
Konto usunięte
Konto usunięte: jej chodziło o zanieczyszczenie.

ups, to powinno byc pollution :D
  9 grudnia 2008
MistressOfLaugh: chyba nie dojdę do tych 200 słów ;p

dzis jestem mila, a wiec powiem ci, co mozesz jeszcze napisac.
A wiec - np. ze jest tam mniejsza przestepczosc, ze dzieci sa bezpieczniejszcze, nie ma korkow w godzinach szczytu...
Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008

coś mi się post nie chce dodać oO

Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008

I suppose, I would be forced to live in block of flats, where neighbours are noisy.

?;> trochę Was pomęcze.. *;

Posty: 32 (po ~153 znaków)
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  9 grudnia 2008

wow dodał się. to forum mam mnie dość XD
ale nie mogę dodać dalej ;p

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